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Edit Attendee Information

If someone enters the wrong information when registering, an Administrator can fix it on the person's registration.


If you've registered the wrong person, do not update their name from the personal information pencil. That will change their name in their People profile and is reflected across all Planning Center products.

Edit Attendees

If a person registers with the wrong selection or needs to add more people to their registration, an Admin can correct the information in their registration details.

Click Edit in the Attendees section of the registration.


You can change the selection for an attendee using the dropdown next to their name or add an attendee to the registration using the dropdown below the existing attendees. You can create a new profile if the person doesn't exist in the database.



All information entered on the original registration will be saved on the registration, including add-ons and discounts.

From the registration in a Simple Signup, click Edit to update the quantity for each selection.


Now, email the registration contact notifying them of the changes you made to the registration--or changes they need to make to their registration.

Transfer Registration

If a person wants to transfer their registration to someone else, an Admin can do that from the registration with these steps:


If you need to transfer payments made on the registration, check out our guide on Transferring Funds for complete instructions.

1. Add the Correct Attendee

Click Edit in the Attendees section of the registration.


Choose the new selection and type the name of the new attendee.


Click Save.

2. Cancel the Original Attendee

Scroll to the bottom of the original attendee's registration details, and then click Cancel Attendee. 


The new attendee, as well as the canceled one, will show in your attendee list to help you track changes.


Edit the Registration Contact

If someone registers a child for the event, but the information needs to go to someone else, you can change the registration contact. Click Edit in the registration, select Someone else  from the dropdown, and type the new person's name.


Change Attendee Details

An Administrator can change an attendee's registration details at any time. Most changes can be made by clicking the Edit button in the corresponding section.

  1. Edit the selected add-ons for an attendee.

  2. Click the corresponding Edit buttons to update the attendee's profile information, change answers to questions from the Attendee Information Form, or change the emergency contact.

  3. Manually mark forms as complete/received.


Managers can not edit profile information for attendees unless they have at least Editor permissions in People.

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