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Assignments help you organize your event by allowing you to assign your attendees to their cabins, buses, tables, teams, or anything else.


Assignments are for administrative use only and cannot be shared with attendees.

From the Assignments tab, click New Assignment Type.

new assignment.png

Each assignment type will be applicable to ALL attendees. Within a type, you can create assignment areas where attendees are assigned. Attendees can be assigned to multiple assignment types, but only 1 area within each type.

For instance, for a Youth Retreat, all attendees will need to be assigned to a bus and a cabin. Those will be two different types. The areas within those types will be the specific busses and cabins the kids are assigned to.

Some common assignment types are:

  • Vehicles

  • Classrooms

  • Teams

  • Seating

Once you've added the type, click New assignment area to create an area within that type.


Some areas that would be within those common assignment types are:

  • Vehicles: Van 1, Van 2, Van 3

  • Cabins: Oak, Fir, Walnut, Evergreen

  • Teams: Blue Team, Red Team, Yellow Team

  • Seating: Auditorium, Balcony, Section

Enter the information for the new area to make it easier to assign attendees.

  1. Name the area based on who would be assigned to this area.

  2. Set a maximum capacity for the area.

  3. Add any restrictions to who could be assigned.

  4. If there are only certain selections who can be assigned to this area, choose them.

Click Save, and then add more areas to the assignment type as needed.


Auto Assign Attendees

If you have lots of attendees and you've set your filters up appropriately, go to the Unassigned tab and click Auto assign to fill your areas with attendees who match the area filters.


Auto assign will account for filters first, then it will consider those who are eligible for multiple areas.

Choose the way you want those attendees to be assigned to areas.

  • Waterfall will fill a single area first to complete capacity before moving to the next area.

  • Balanced will divide attendees among the areas they fit into as evenly as possible.


Assign Attendees Manually

If you would rather assign people yourself, or if you need to override a restriction, you can choose to assign them manually. Assign people to an area by opening the area and typing their name or choosing them from the dropdown.


If restrictions are set for an area, an Administrator can choose to override them. This can be helpful in scenarios such as assigning a cabin leader to a grade-restricted cabin or accommodating group preferences.

To override a restriction, select the person's name from the list. You will receive a warning that this person does not meet the area requirements. Click Yes, assign to manually assign them to the area, overriding the restriction.


View Attendee Assignments

You can view an attendee's assignments within their registration or in the Assigned Attendees list.


Change Area Assignments

You can change the assigned area from the All Attendees tab or from the area.

Reassign Attendee

If you want to change the area a person is assigned to, click the area and choose a new one.


The person's profile information must fit the filters of the area or they will be grayed out and you will not be able to assign them to the area.

Unassign from Area

To unassign someone from the area, click Unassign next to their name.


To unassign all attendees, go to the Assigned tab and select Unassign all.


Attendees will be moved back into the Unassigned tab until you assign them to a new area.

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