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Archive or Delete a Signup

If the date of a signup has passed or you want to cancel a signup, you can archive it to remove it from your list. You can also delete signups with no payments associated with them.

  • You can archive any signup. If you archive the signup, you can access it again later.

  • You can only delete signups with no payments attached to them. Once a signup is deleted, It cannot be recovered.

Archive or Delete a Signup

From the Actions dropdown, choose Archive or Delete.



Attendees are not automatically notified when a signup is archived or deleted. Email them and refund their payments manually. If payments are still due, registrants can make a payment from their profile on Church Center, or an admin can apply a payment to their registration.

Once you archive the signup, the title will show (archived) to the end.

View Archived Signups

You can view archived signups on the Signups page from the All Categories dropdown. Select Archived to see a list of signups you've previously archived.


Unarchive a Signup

You can unarchive the signup from the Actions dropdown in the signup.


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