It can be helpful to review who attended an event afterward so you can track engagement, keep accurate records, and find opportunities to follow up! Use this table to determine which reporting method best fits your needs for tracking attendance, and refer to the corresponding section below for more information.
Report |
What data is reported? |
Attendance Roster in Registrations |
Registered attendees who attended each day of an event |
Filtered Attendee List in Registrations |
Filtered view of attendees who attended specific days of an event |
People Metrics |
Attendance totals by event, category, or campus over a set period |
People Lists |
Lists of attendees compiled by event, category, campus, or date |
If you took attendance using the Check-Ins Integration, your attendance data can be found directly in Check-Ins.
Create attendance rosters that store attendance data directly in your signup. Once attendance is taken, click the event's date under Attendance on the Registrations page of your signup to view everyone who attended on that date.
This data lives exclusively in Registrations and cannot be exported.
Use filters to narrow your attendees list by specific dates and other criteria, such as assignments or selections! Use this method to contact particular individuals or export attendee information in a CSV.
To create a filtered list of attendees, go to the Registrations page of your signup and select Active.
Set your first filter to attendance and choose the roster you want to pull from.
Set your next filter for the Assignment, Selection, or anything else you want to view.
After you apply the filters, you can contact these individuals via email or export a CSV of their information from the Actions dropdown.
The Metrics tab on the People's Dashboard provides an overview of attendance data. Widgets can display attendance data by event, category, or campus over a determined period.
This widget displays the number of new registrations received at a specific campus each month over the last 12 months.
This widget displays the number of attendees at a specific event over the last 30 days.
Create as many different widgets as you like, then use the Print icon to print a metrics overview to share with your teams!
People Lists can help you perform bigger actions on attendees, such as adding them to a workflow, performing an automation, setting their membership type after an event using a bulk action, updating a custom field, and more!
For example, create a list that gathers all attendees who attended a specific event.
Then, click the bulk action icon.
Update their membership type using the modal and select Perform action.
Lists can only be created based on overall event attendance, not date-specific data. For example, if an event lasted for five days, a list will return attendees who attended any day of the event, not on a specific date.