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Ongoing Signups

If you want something visible on your Signups page that people can register for at any time, an ongoing signup is perfect for you! Create an ongoing signup by clicking Create a signup on the Signups page.

There are no dates or times associated with ongoing signups, so there are a few differences in the way they work from dated signups.

  • Ongoing signups are only displayed on the Signups page. If you subscribe to Planning Center Calendar and have enabled the Registrations Feed, your ongoing signups will not be included in Calendar.

  • Ongoing signups are listed alphabetically before the dated signups on the Signups page in Registrations.

  • Since ongoing signups continually collect attendee registrations without an end date, the attendee total will be carried over each month and could eventually reach the limit of allowed attendees in your subscription level.

    Once the attendee total for a signup is close to the subscription limit, duplicate the signup to start the attendee count over at 0. Archive the original signup to close it and keep it for your records.


    Only Organization Administrators can access product subscriptions. If you aren't sure how many attendees per signup your church is subscribed to, reach out to an Organization Administrator for your church to find out.

Examples of Ongoing Signups

Ongoing Signups can take shape in many different ways. Here are some examples for inspiration:

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